Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Sweet as honey...

As I’ve just seen what must be the last bee until next year I want pay tribute to this fuzzy little winged insect that has not only been inspiration in my designs, but has also come to symbolise Emma Hadley jewellery.
When it comes to bees do you run to the other end of the garden? or are you happy to let them buzz around you? well love them or hate them, they’re major pollinators of many of our food crops supporting one-third of our diet... and they’re dying out! three species of native British Bumblebees have already become extinct, and five more are under serious threat.....
                                         “No bee’s no honey; no work no money”
We are happy to spread a little love for bees at EH HQ.  Busy bees in the EH garden this summer:

Bee’s have been  important symbols in many cultures and religions for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used them as a symbol of regal power, they've been emblems of the Greek god Eros, and the Hindu god Shiva, Napoleon used them as his personal badge, and the bible described the promised land as ‘flowing with milk and honey’.  And now the fab new symbol for the bee - the Emma Hadley logo! designed by the talented Abi Williams of Rude:

I love bees as symbols of hope, creativity, industry, and intelligence, as well as family, motherhood and the goddess, this is something we can all connect with and take inspiration from!
Favourites pieces with the Emma Hadley signature bee:

Emma (aka Queen bee) XX

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